A unique confluence of vision, opportunity and providence...

Charley Pavlosky

Charley Pavlosky has over 20 years creative marketing experience in the spirits industry, having helped kick-start Bainbridge Organic Distillers, first by sourcing its very first grains for its inaugural release of its award-winning Battlepoint Whiskey, to launching the brand in California by hand selling from Yreka to San Diego. Charley’s natural admiration for the great family traditions of hand making mescal and tequila led his curiosity to create great friendships with family growers and distillers of Organic Blue Weber Agave, hence his ongoing affection for the spirit of tequila, both within the bottle and the inspiring stories behind it. Thus the inevitable marriage with Bainbridge became a matter of art and osmosis.

Keith Barnes

Keith Barnes has thirty + years marketing and packaging experience for multiple wine and spirits brands through his marketing company Motive, including Diageo, William Grant and Sons, Pernod-Ricard and Beam Suntory, among others. A lifelong passion for whiskey and spirits has led Keith to make pilgrimages to Scotland and many other whiskey-making countries over the years, and he has learned a great deal of "lost knowledge" while discussing the true, hand-crafted ‘low-tech’ aspects of organic distillation and spirits crafting with distillers that remember how it was done "back in the day". Keith and Charley first met in 2005 while both sitting on the board of a wildlife organization on Bainbridge Island. In 2008 Keith called Charley and said, “I think I’m going to make my own whisky”. Charley said, "Let's go find some grain!" They’ve been friends ever since.

Michael Friedman

LLM (Taxation), J.D. has 20+ years experience as a consumer products and technology entrepreneur, operational executive and consultant.  He founded an organic and natural products and beverage company, that acquired several companies, grew to national distribution, and was marketing partners with several NBA, MLB and NHL sports teams. Additionally, he consults with several Nasdaq listed companies on strategy and business development. His passion for tequila started many years ago while sipping an aged premium Anejo.

Andrew Harman

has over 50 years experience in the spirits industry serving in Senior Executive Positions, first at The Seagram Company from 1970 until 2002, where he retired as Chief Officer-Global Customer Development, then at Southern Wine & Spirits, the largest multi state wine and spirit distributor in North America where he served for 12 years as Senior Vice President/ Organizational Development. Andy’s passion for brand building and unique, craft-distilled spirits with a specific pedigree, along with his life-long experience on both the supplier and distribution side, brings a priceless wealth of experience to Aguadios, where he serves as both an active investor and advisor to the enterprise.

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